Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Personal Theme Song 30 Goals #3

I loved this prompt and already had a few ideas for songs.  The first song I thought of was Fire by Alycia Keys.  After listening though it sounded like it might have been a bit too confident.  I do though want to make a huge impact this school year. I have ideas I want to try and practices I want to put into place.  I want to inspire others and share the passion in hopes of sparking others to innovate and inspire.  I have been housebound/bedbound much of the summer due to a bad back and it has given me plenty of time to look at ideas, research theory, and recharge. I am sure my peers are ready for me to be out and about so I quit sending them tweets and emails to look at the resources and links I have found.

The next song my mind jumped to was Firework by Katy Perry.  Last school year ended with many changes and I was scared and frustrated about what was to come.  I have come to though welcome change and am using it to recreate my teaching and classroom. Many doors have closed in my life recently and I can only hope it all happened for a reason.  The world better watch out, because I am ready to shoot across the world :-).

Then there was the thought of Garth Brook's song Standing Outside the Fire.  This was the song of my cohort when I was studying to be a special education teacher.  It really seemed to define that we were going into a field that was going to require us to stand inside the fire and take the long road.  It is a profession where you have to be the voice of those who might not have a voice or the means to share their voice.  It was about making a difference even when it was difficult.  I really think I have a love for teaching and working with students with disabilities and I know that it is going to require at times that I am burnt by the flames but also reap all the benefits of the fire.  Being able to access the light, the warmth, the protection, the energy.

So in the end I think my theme songs are a mix of the three with a common element of fire.  This year should be the year of fire, which goes along with my word of the year being shine. This goes back to my goal of wanting to influence others and spark change to happen.  I also want to be able to provide a welcoming environment where students and teachers feel safe and protected.  I want my fire to shine brightly that people can resist coming close and hopefully being willing to dance in the flames at times.  I have been inspired by so many recently, especially in my PLN that I can't wait to catch fire this school year!

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